Friday, April 30, 2010

Thank Goodness it is Friday!!

Guess all teachers feel this way, but I especially like to see Friday come. I get to stay home for two days and do some of the things I can't do otherwise! Plan to try to clean and organize my crafty space. I am so lucky to have a beautiful space to do my "thing" as my cousin puts it. He took my garagae and made it into an air-conditioned/heated studio for me to use for anything I want. Formerly it was my dad's workshop and when he passed away, my cousin redid it for me. It took a while but it was worth the wait. The problem is that I haven't had much opportunity to use it with work and life happenings getting in the way. I am looking to spend a lot of time out there after June. It is detached from the house and is so nice and quiet.So, if all goes well tomorrow, that is my plan. Might even get some sewing done!

1 comment:

  1. As a fellow teacher, well, retired now . . I know the TGIF feeling.

    Can't wait to see your postings of your blessings.
